Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 2

Well I need to get meals planned so that When I am hungry i know what my options are and what I should eat.

I went for a 70 minute walk today! Felt good but I've lost some of my endurance that I'd built up a few months ago! I hope to get out everyday for at least 45-60 minutes

now to plan the foods I should eat. Off to make a salad for my lunch. Ummmmm :P

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"It's time for me to follow through"

I could choose not to move but I REFUSE....

I refuse to make ONE MORE EXCUSE...

Day 1.....

The plan starts. I will use Weight watchers.... I have an empty fridge and pantry so i will shop today.. and get my house filled up with the foods i should be eating... I also need to make a plan for my 45-60 minute walks. EVERY DAY that I can... I will also be drinking ALOT of water.. 11 glasses a day.

hummm that's all for now... I am ready for a change.. I've fallen off every other time i have tried.. i wonder if i can stick with it...
my inspiration was Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition... last night i watched a mom of 2 kids who ws 456 lbs... her hubby had a stoke and she worked a full time job... and she lost 200lbs. I KNOW I CAN DO THIS... its just making it a priority... something she said stuck with me though... "YOU ARE WORTH IT" every tear, every drop of sweat, you are worth it.
I am ready to love myself again.

*** MY #1 encourager and support needs to be GOD ***

Thank you Lord for never giving up on me.